Methodological modeling of teaching creative writing in a form of essay to students of linguistic specialities

УДК:  378.02:372.881.111.1:33

Автор:  Shayakhmetova D.B.  

Вид издания:  Учебное пособие

ISBN:  9965-753-40-7

ББК:  74.00

Место издания :  Казахстан (г. Алматы)

Издательство:  Полиграфия-сервис и К

Год издания:  2012

Учебное заведение:  Университет иностранных языков и деловой карьеры

Количество страниц:  147

Язык:  англ.

Тематическая направленность издания:  иностранный язык

Электронный вариант:  скачать

The thesis paper is dedicated to teaching English using creative writing in a form of essay. Writing skills are recognized to be an important tool in communication in the context of the modern world community, standing on the threshold of the globalization process. It is no longer enough to be able to communicate verbally, but to be able to express one’s thoughts on paper in an effective way.The thesis paper describes the methodological model of teaching creative writing in a form of essay: its principles, stages, and developed skills. The lingua-stylistic and psycholinguistic peculiarities of essay writing were specifically addressed and taken into consideration while creating the methodological model of teaching creative writing in a form of essay. The practical value of the research lies in the fact that the presented methodological model can further be used in practical teaching of foreign language, as well as in the development of methodology course books.


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